Morocco! Who’da thunk it. Initially didn’t think I’d make it to the African continent on this little trip o’ mine but here we go! Arrived yesterday morning after 3 days at sea. Would have been 2 but the wind died early on the 2nd day. We were not gonna make it by nightfall so decided to slow down and wait out the night. Another glorious night at sea! To be frank (if I may) I’ve seen what can only be described as an epic amount of shooting stars over the past few weeks. It’s starting to get silly. Then there are the rest of the heavens.
Mad. Normally we’re pushing to get all we can out of the negligible wind that appears to be following us, and then all of a sudden 3kts is too fast! Normally we cruise around 5-7kts, touching 8 at times. She’ll do (and has done) more but when you’re cruising the key is not to break her/parts of her at an awkward moment in the middle of nowhere. That would be bad.
Anyway, I digress, I had a point when I started writing this and now I’ve forgotten it. Sailing is great but I fear I gibber on about it a lot. However, let it be said that you should all stop what you are doing now (in life generally, it’s ok to read the rest of this 1st) and make plans to sail the high seas. All of them. So Ah yes, MORROCCO!!!
Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with Europe, but it’s all so… Europey. I was sleeping on deck yesterday morning and was awoken with coffee, fresh bread and my 1st look at El Jadeda (northern Morocco). As soon as we hit land I knew things had begun. (Gishas! Props to da bishy bashy massive) I really feel this things start here! You generally know what you expect from Europe but this was going to be something new. And it so is. All the new smells, amazing colors, great buildings and it’s fine to walk around in a length habit cape hooded thing. I need one. I’ll get some pic’s. Amazing.
Wandered around most of yesterday in a daze. Going from 5 people in surrounding 3.5 nautical miles (approx distance to the horizon at sea level, they be bigger than land miles too) except for the occasional massive ferry/container ship, which you don’t want too close anyway, to a vibrant mass of what appear to be an infinite amount of people and buildings is mind blowing. On top of that it was some kind of public holiday so everyone was out in their finest.
Highlights of a few hours of wandering live chickens for sale. I saw a great cockerel. Then someone brought him and his head was cut off. Old Portuguese fort with great stuff everywhere. Being coaxed down a piss stinking hole by kids to see the sea out the other side. Market generally. So much.
It’s taken this long for it to start to sink in that I’ve actually started off on a trip around the world. Hopefully I’ll have got my head around it a bit more by the time I’m back!
Anyway. I’m off exploring. Got to work out how to get to Maraqueche. TEE HEE HEE!!!!
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